Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We live our lives ....

"We all live with our wounded hearts, pain and hurts,
We all live with acceptance and rejections,
We all live with darks and in the light,
We all live with the lows and highs,
We all live with some secrets and openness, 
We all live with some love and some unlikeliness,
We all live with the ashes and new seed too,
We all live with changing season of spring, winter, autumn and summer,
We all live with the true and artificial love,
We all live with great boldness, meekness and cowardliness too,
We all live with doubts, clarity and confirmation in await,
We all live with our dreams, some fulfilled, some drowned and shattered,
We all live with closed doors, faking ourselves, and in the real grip of present too,
We all live with the old, the new and looking for even better then the now,
We all live lives with our own pace, in that we run, we fall, we lay down and we get up too,
We all live lives as if we are unbeatable warriors and have not heard about tears,
We all live with some negatives and positives of happened things,
We all live with soft, sour, bitter, tangy and love flavors in heart,
We all live lives as if we are driving and some times go with the flow too,
We all live lives with the rights, faults, errors, repentance and reconciliation,
We all live lives with said and unsaid norms of the world,
We all live with a heart which hears, sees and even touches the emotions,
We all live with confession as if it as white as snow and dark as if solar eclipse too, 

We all live our lives with hunger, thirst of many kinds,
We have our lives because; there is a God who loves us, that no one could,
We all face it because; some times we deserve it for what we have done,
We all face it because; our Master wants to lead n correct us."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

“उमृ की टेकरी”

पतंग उङाता मैं बचपन मैं,
कभी घर की छत से कभी खुले मैदानो के िबच से,
पतंग मेरी एक रूपय़े की, मंजा और सददी तीन रूपये की, तो िघररी मेरी पाँच रूपये की,
था मैं पेज लड़ाता ना जाने िकस िकस से,
िनले अाकाश के िनचे, िनले-िपले रंग की पतंग कभी गोते खाती कभी इठलाती,
और मैं जमीन पर खड़ा मगन अपने शौक में, यही सोचा करता, काश मैं भी कभी उड़ पाता,
बचपन की मसती,बचपन का बचपना बड़ा याद अाता हैं,
बेिफक्‌, अाजाद, बेपरवाह था वो बचपन,
भरी दोपहर में घर के दरवाजे को चुपके से धपप करना अाज भी गुदगुदाता हैं,
कयोिक मँा के डर से छुपकर भागना जो होता था।

समय मुठठी में तो िफतुर िदमाग में पनपते रहते,
खाना तो खाना, िकसी का िदमाग खाना िदनच्‌या का अिभनन अंग हुअा करता था,
दोसतो के साथ सकूल जाना,सायकल की घंटी से सब को अपना लड़कपन का अहसास िदलाना,
अपना िटिफन छोड़ दुसरो का िटिफन झपट कर खा जाना, बड़ा याद अाता हैं,
िटपा-टापी होमव्‌क की, तो पिरक्षओ(Exam) में जी तोड़ महनत करना,
सकूल की िटचर से मार खाना और बाद में उसे जीभ िचड़ाना,
अकसर पेट पकड़कर माँ से बहाना बनाना और सकूल ना जाना,
वो सड़क िकनारे वाले चाट,गोल गपपे भईया के ठेले के पास खड़ा हो जाना,
वो अजीब-अजीब से शौक पालना, तो िबना पहचान के भी मददत कर देना,
अकसर याद अाता हैं, जब सब एक दुसरे को िसफृ facebook की िदवारों पर ही देख पाते हैं।

वो कोलोनी को िपडडु और िकृकेट के शोर से भर देना,
सब का साथ होना और घर में ही घर-घर खेलना, वो झूठ मुठ का घर बसाना,
घर की पुिलयापर बैठ गपशप करना,
पड़ोस के भईया का सामने वाली दीदी से छुपछुप कर िमलना,
और हमें तैनात करना पहरेदारी के िलए, बड़ा याद आता हैं,
हमारा कल का सपना आज हम रोज जीते हैं,
वातानुकुिलत कारें, िवदेशी कपडे. तनपर और जहां जी चाहे खाना का लुफत उठाना,
अाज तो िटचर की मार भी सही जान पडती हैं,
फाईलो में दफन हम, अकसर दफतर की िखड.की से सड़को पर अपना बचपन खोजते नजर आते हैं।
धुिमल सी वो यादे बचपन की, अकसर उनमें खोने का इंतेजार करती हैं।

संघषृ करते हम िजनदगी की अापा-धापी में, हम सहसा खोए से नजर अा जाते हैं,
बचपन का िसफृ अाज और अभी में जीना बड़ा याद करते हैं,
वो कल की िचंता में अपना खुव नहीं जलाया करता था,
पहले के दूर में अाज हम अपना घोसला बनाए बैठे हैं,
हर िदशा को अपनाते गए, िगरे पर, खडे. होने की कला भी हम िसखते रहें,
हमारे अाज को हम कल में तबदील होते और समय की मृम तथा कठोर सपषृ लेते रहें,
अब उमृ की टेकरी पर खड़े होकर, बचपन का बचपना और अाजादी बड़ा याद करते हैं। "

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

She is gone ...

"She is gone, like passing of a breeze,
Which just touched me for a while,
She is gone, like exhaling last breath from my lungs,
Which was keeping me alive,
She is gone, like sand slips from the palms,
Which made me feel that I held her for tiniest moment of the time,
She is gone, like a rainbow disappears from the sky,
Which left my life as colorless as water drop.

My longing for you increases, every morning I wakeup,
Eyes searches, ears wanted to hear your voice,
Nostrils wanted to smell fragrance of you,
My hands in air try to reach you,
Feet’s tells the heart to move to a certain direction.

And I say to myself,
Oh, Oh my love, for you I’ve waited so long, why can’t we be one???"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

िलखी अाजादी का जश्न ...

"अब मुझे मेरा शहर मेरा दॆश अपिरिचत, अनजाना सा लगता है, 
यहाँ का पानी अब मुझे खारा सा लगता है,
मुस्‌कान की चौङाई अब पतझड़ के सुखे पत्‌तों के समान िसकुड़ सी गई है,
पुँजीवाद का अजगर पहले लोगों की हँसी,
अब िदलो मे बसा अपनापन िनगलता जा रहा है,
िवकास िनरवस्‌त्र ठंड़ में िठठुरता सा पड़ा है,
करमठ नेता वा अिधकारी या दबा या शहादत वाले एलबम के िहस्से बन जाते है,
और अाड़बरी नेता वा अिधकारी घोटालों या प्रात रूपी तवों पर अपनी मतलबी रोटी सकते रहते है,  
‌त्‌योहारो के इस देश में िमष्‌ठानो का अादान प्रदान िवरला ही नजारा है,
घोटाले मच्‌छरो की संख्‌या के समान बढ़ते ही जाते है,
बाहर की चाहे, िदमाक की, दोनो ही गंदगी मे पलते है,
अखबार ही अब प़डोिसयो को एक दुसरे की सुख-दुख की कहानी सुनाते है,
देश की बढ़ती अथॆव्‌यवस्‌था दुिनया को सोचने पर मजबूर करती है,
वही देश का अाम नागिरक सडको में गड्‌ड़े,िबजली कटौती और बढ.ती महंगाई से जुजता रहता है,
िशकायत पत्र रद्‌दी में या अाग तापने के काम अाते है,
रोज की अव्‌यवस्‌थाओं में फसा मतदाता ढगा सा महसुस करता है,
ये मजबूर नही पर मजबूर बन जाता है।

देश की एकता में सेंध लगाने अब प्राँतवाद अा गया है,
हमारे कर(tax) का पैसा या नेताओं या अिधकारीयों के िवदेशी खातो में जमा हो जाता है,
या हमारे अपनो की हत्‌या करने वालों कसाब जैसो को पालने के काम अाता है,
टी.वी चैनल वही िदखाता है जो उसकी टी.अार.पी (TRP) बढ़ाता है,
िकसी की िजन्‌दगी का माखौल उड़ाना, चौकोर डब्‌बे में अासान हो जाता है,
सड़को,भवनो का बन्‌ना अब नेताओं और अधिकारीयों के अागमन पर िनर्भर करता है,
कहकहे अब भाषणो को सुनने से उठते है,
एक प्रथा हम अाज भी िनभाते चले अा रहे है,
पान की िपक से िदवारो को रंगने के बाद हम सरकार को दोषी ठहराते है,
डकैती का नया नाम अब जमाखोरी है,
पहले कम कपड़े, गरीब की तंगहाली िदखाता था,
पर हाय, अाज का कम, कम नहीं, अाधुिनकता िदखलाता है।

िकसान की िचता, अाज का गरमा गरम मुद्‌दा है,
उसके घर की त्रस्‌दी, िकसी पाटीॆ का झंडा उँचा करता है,
अाज का भुखा, भुख से कम शोषण से ज्‌यदा मरता है,
हमारा गुस्‌सा अच्‌छे अच्‌छो की महनत को स्‌वाह कर देता है,
जब हम हड़ताल और चक्‌काजाम मे सबकुछ मिटया मे कर देते है,
लाल िफते वाली फाईल हल्‌की होती है इसिलए उसे पैसों के वजन से भारी करना पड़ती है,
नही तो ये चुहों का भोजन या िदमग को भेंट चढ़ता है,
जादु का खेल नही देखा अापने, तो एक बार सरकारी दफतर में घुसकर देखीए,
अपने जीवनभर की कमाई और भविष्‌य का चैन कैसे गुम होता है जानीये,
पहले राजाओं, िफर मुगलों, िफर अ़गे्जों ने राज िकया,
अाज अव्‌यवस्‌थाए, पुँजीवाद, सत्‌ता का दुरउपयोग करनो वाले और में रूखापन का गठबंधन हम पर राज करता है।

मैं एक अाम नागिरक, जो एक सरकारी बस में सफर करता हँू,
भीड. की कचपच में खड़ा होकर भी, िलखी अाजादी का जश्‌न मनाता हँू।"

Monday, April 18, 2011

11th station - The way of cross

Jesus is nailed on the cross

We have been feeding a beast called “disbelief” within us and this is not a story started yesterday and ended today, but it started from the very beginning of the creation itself.

Adam and eve did it by eating the fruit of forbidden tree, here the thing was not just about eating the fruit but it was about believing and following, which we all know that they didn’t do and hence consequences were there … they have been thrown out from the presence of God himself.

Though there are uncountable examples but one example of feeding this beast is worth mentioning and the second example we can see when we see God lead his people form Egypt to the Promised Land. The journey that could have been finished in just 11 days took 40 years, it’s because of the animal we have within us called “disbelief”. This doesn’t mean God left us, God can’t stop being God and that’s why he gave them water even by splitting the rock and providing them water, with the angels food called manna to them in the middle of the desert along with the meat of birds, more then enough to them. But they too couldn’t stop being human and they grumbled against him again and again asking for more even though when the food was in their mouths. -Psalms 78
And the consequence for them for their disbelief was that this grumbling generation died before they could enter the Promised Land.

Third example changed the whole definition of love, which is coming of Christ. Still in our disbelief we hanged the one who came to save us, the one who said “not my but yours will be done”, the one who called us His brothers and sisters … the one who is the Son of God. His coming was an assurance that God loves us and wants us to get us back by believing on his Son and following him.

In continuation to this story if we place ourselves also, we can see how perfect followers we are of our ancestors, just perfect because we didn’t learn from their mistakes. And if we see our life’s today we too are the same who keep on feeding the same beast “disbelief” within us.
In this show off today world we just believe in names, in marketing terms its said “brands”. We daily see different ads like SRK and aiswarya appealing us to buy skin whitening cream, a model selling cream biscuits full of protein and vitamins, world’s cheapest car “Nano”, mobile with latest features or movie heroines promoting hair oil and so on. It’s a pity on us that we so easily believe in these materialistic things and that too we are loyal buyers but shame on us that we don’t believe in salvation through His son Jesus.
Every season company’s change their brand ambassadors and fully utilize media of all sorts whether say it magazines, Internet, newspapers etc to reach us at any expense and that too we have been charged for using them. And very cheerfully we pay the cost they have incurred in other words we pay the hidden cost.
In contrary, Almighty God the one who loved us so much that he send His only Son for us, to interact face to face, its not even word of mouth, no show off, no hidden cost for us to pay because He himself paid in full for us for our sins, just one ambassador “Jesus” who was, is now and who will come again. Stern heart people have rejected Him 2000 years ago by hanging Him once on cross but our actions full of disbelief and lack of heart to follow Him, nail Him daily. Whenever we sin we cause Him pain and make Him suffer and its more them physical hurt we hurt Him form inside.

Lets take time to understand the meaning of him being nailed on the cross and think once again why he choose to die so painfully, for whom did he give up his life???
Is it not we, why He choose so painful death, so that we may live with a wider aspect of life that is with repentance, love, forgiveness and living in hope of eternal life.
Aren't we the guilty one, for whom He died so mercilessly so that we may live being his disciples to reflect His sacrifice.
Lets prepare and submit ourselves, our hearts, lets go to him with sincere heart to know Him and understand His love for us.

Losing someone means pain ...

My soul has gone bitter, Oh Lord!!!
And heart has gone sour,
The one I love,
And the one, who loved me,
Has been called in your assemble,
Please be good to him, don’t count his mistakes,
As he tried to be same as You told.

Console me my Lord, I’m burning in agony,
Pain of losing is pulling me to the deepest of darkness,
My tears are gushing out and my cheeks don’t want to dry,
Cold breeze is useless and scorching heat is ineffective it to vaporize,
Human words produce itching to ears,
Sympathy don’t appease me,
Food has become tasteless; sleep has disappeared all of a sudden.

Alone I find myself in the mass,
My heart just pray that he may find a new life in Your dominion,
Fulfill Your promise by letting him in,
My heart gives thanks to You for such a beautiful person in my life,
Thanks for the time, the food, the fellowship I have had with him,
Though memories will play hide and seek in the cerebrum of my brain,
But I bow down to pray to be in Your kingdom, to see You and meet him again.”

Celebrating the Death of Christ...

“Day before we could have figured out the reason and causes,
Blood was shed; even single drop was not left from the mortal body,
“Jesus” was the name, who was slaughtered by us barbarians,
For being innocent, and speaking the word of God,
As a sin offering God sacrificed Him, Who was His son,
Becoming the culprit, becoming the guilty for the sins, which was on our credit,
And as a shameless creatures, in one voice, we exclaimed, hang Him on the cross.

Sin is not just sin, it offends God, it’s a case when humans losses his life,
It’s a synonym to death, a black hole in a spiritual life,
Cost of getting out is heavy, a life is ransom, thought it’s been paid,
Still we don’t cease ourselves of doing these blunderous mistakes,
There is no alternative way to get out of the aftermath of sins,
But don’t be scared as Jesus has already declared he is the only way,
And as a shameless creatures, in one voice, we exclaimed, hang Him on the cross.

Parting the creation in two eras, this is what Jesus did,
Bringing an era of hope and reminding the keyword repentance,
To we people, who have lost their identity taking an opposite path,
Jesus himself was a signature on the document called Love by our living God,
Which we have denied accepting in our arrogance and false pride,
Bleeding and wounded body of Jesus was an outward expression of Gods heart,
And as a shameless creatures, in one voice, we exclaimed, hang Him on the cross.

As everything has a reason and everything finds purpose in Him,
So do His blood was poured to cleanse the sins of human kind,
His Sacrifice gives us an occasion to Celebrate and remember,
How much a sin costs and how endless our God can love us just to redeem us,
Let’s feel the energy, let’s feel the passion, now let’s trust God,
Holy Zeal, lets invite in us to live life for the will of God,
Cure the myopia caused by the sin, Dear God, which blurred our sights to see your love for us.”