Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Christianity is not about religion,
It is, to have a relationship with heavenly God,
God created us more or like Him,
Kept close to him in Eden, which was His garden,
Since, human are we, we needed more,
Sin was the outcome, of doing our own,
Difference we created for our ownselves,
And we say, God is getting far.

His children instead of seeking Him,
Found pleasure by offending Him,
Indeed he is our dad; forgiving He is,
Put every effort, even by sending His only son,
Between us witched and wild,
It was not just to take the sins on Him,
But to teach us the way to repent, as its first step towards salvation,
Repentance is the way back to Him,
That’s why Prophesies are there, that those who’ll not repent has an end,

We offend Him in many ways,
Infidelity, trespasses, filth, adultery, name them,
Synonyms are they, for the word called sin,
But still we have time to repent; else we’ll have to face His wrath,
Return to me He said, surrendering your heart,
Morn, weep and sacrifices I do not want,
Nowhere can we hide, nothing we can hide,
Penance for our sins He is asking for,
Because He is just and is going to judge justly.

Near we are to the day foretold,
So, no time left to think Repent and penance we can do,
To again get close to Him,
Hard to believe, but Moses, Abraham they to fall in sin,
Repented on their mistakes, that’s all what they did,
This is the difference they made, and that’s why they’re close to him,
So friends, we too have the ability to create the difference,
Lets take the first step, and He’ll make the way…”

Purpose in him…

Mere travelers we are here on earth for a while,
 With abundant of His mercy on us to rejoice,
Easy sometimes and some times it becomes difficult,
Even to take a single step without a specific purpose in life,
Many make earthly pleasures as their purpose of life,
But it doesn’t last long in any ones life,
God’s children come here but are busy fulfill purpose full of filth,
Getting those pleasures are easy but far away from God’s purpose for our lives,

Purpose, our lives has a specific purpose,
Default it is, as its assigned for us form above,
Our existence here is not by-chance,
Hard to know the purpose, with our own efforts,
As this tiny brain can only think of materialistic pleasure for life,
Life without a purpose,
Is like withed tree without the basic mineral called water, which is must for life,

Surrendering ourselves and asking God to reveal His plans,
Is the only way to add value to our mortal lives,
I’m the alpha and omega says the Lord,
And asks for our faith and true worship to reveal his plans,

We walk aimlessly, similar like hitting our head on a rock,
No result, but only regret after some time,
It’s true that, to God we can reach anytime,
But its sooner the better, as it give more time,
For the purpose of almighty in our journey which is for a while,

What’s your purpose of life...?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Writing pad of God…

Understanding God's love for us is like trying to see the whole sky in a glance,
Every glance we see a new cloud, to every one it’s different in shape and size,
Some times a teddy, some times a bunny, some times a tree, some times a muffin,
Some times a heart, some times it’s in the shape of the one we love,
If we smile and treasure even these small light moments of our lives,
How much more can God bless us when we just accept him our lives.

Sky is like a plain paper, and clouds acts as ink when God writes,
At times there is no empty space left, looks like a lover express his love,
Even if the page is blank, it has a lot to tell.

A cloud when comes in front of sun,
It’s like God has put His hand to give us shade and rest,
A cloud when drops water form it,
It’s like God says to every living creature “Rejuvenate”,
When the sky is bare without clouds, and sun in the middle of the sky,
It’s like God say’s sweat, so that we may not take His grace otherwise,
A cloud when doesn’t stop squeezing itself and keeps on crying,
It’s like it wanted to say, repent as God wants us to make a new start,
A cloud when stops visiting us
It’s like it wanted to say, don’t rely on your own it’s The God who provides.

A cloud in spring, a cloud in summer
A cloud in autumn, a cloud in winter
Seasons are different, and clouds may appear in different forms,
Attributes of Gods Character are many, but it’s the same God, who keeps an eye.
And stretched his arms on cross and said “I love you”.

Let not your life be just a dot …

In my school days, when I used to study mathematics I purposely used to like the drawing part, which we usually call geometry. Though mathematics was a nightmare but I used to like the geometry part because you can get marks even at drawing the geometrical shapes asked. It may sound funny, but to get passing marks was really hard for me, especially in this subject. Any how, that part of life is over, no more mathematics no more geometry.

But recalling the memories of those classes, if I talk about the simple basics of geometry, a dot is referred as a point and a line is called collection of dot or a point. A dot will be just a dot until and unless it’s been stretched out to take a shape, it can be anything triangle, circle, rectangle anything. Every shape is drawn to get an answer. Sometimes, to get some specific calculation a person has to use different shapes to reach the answer. A dot is just a point which simply doesn’t have any value in geometry figures. Thought when it’s extended and given a shape it delivers the purpose of rather being just a dot.

Same is with our lives, though its functioning is not the same as a dot. But still displays similar characteristics.

Point of success and points of failures are nothing but just a point at which we stand and spend our lives. It’s to say that, if a dot bounces at its spot it doesn’t go any where its still at its place; same is with our lives even after getting materialistic wealth and accomplishments we still be at the same spot. Through human eyes our lives might look moving but lives start taking shape when it’s the spirit moves towards the will of God. The will of God embarks our lives to take a shape. There is nothing wrong in fulfilling our desires and dreams or plans.

But as Bible says “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Proverbs 16:3 (KJV)

As a mathematician draws a specific geometric shape for a specific calculation. He knows the best use of each shape in reaching the solution. And it’s the same mathematician who has put the dot on the blank paper with a plan and a purpose. Each Geometric shape has twists and turns before reaching a specific shape. It’s always at the completion of the work the shape fulfills its purpose, till then it’s just what it can do is to trust the mathematician and be patient. Totally dependent on the Creator. And here we can differentiate ourselves form the dot, as God has blessed us with the intelligence and a spirit. But here at same time we take His grace otherwise and act on our own will and let our spirit get strangled.

As a student I still remember I used to make a lot of mistakes in interpreting the questions to draw the shape and used to use a lot of eraser to rub the diagram to reach the required shape. And if I don’t understand the question I just take the basic idea and draw some thing, and used to get some additional marks. Though it didn’t work every time, I failed once. This is what I was in my school life.

Now looking back in the past as such these memories and comparing these with the real life is just exciting. After knowing the Lord in my life, this part of my life just makes me think and say to it’s an amazing journey. From my past I learnt that I’m just a dot who has been placed on the surface of earth with a purpose. Gathering memories like these I can say that life has taken a lot of twists and turns like a geometrical shape, and still is going on. I know that I’m with a purpose anointed form God Himself, but how am I going to achieve it all depends on Gods ways. I just have to rely on God as the dot relies on the mathematician. A simple dot teaches us, how to totally surrender, being patience and trust. One more vital thing I learn from dot, its relationship, till the moment it’s connected with the vision of the mathematician its going to have a destiny a perfect shape. Same is with our lives till the moment we stay connected with God, lives will move in God’s way or either if we want to use our own wisdom then snares and traps are there to trap us. The choice is always ours unlike dot.

As a dot is drawn for a specific purpose, our lives too are destined with a specific purpose. Our lives can be transformed and can be used in a very different way, if we let the God use us. Thought at times we go wrong and sin against Almighty, but it’s the same God who has given as an eraser called repentance to us to erase the past mistakes by just confessing and repenting on it. All this will depend on us what we choose, to get the perfect predestined shape or self driven bounce at the same spot.

Secondly, sometimes mathematician uses many different geometrical shapes and puts them together to reach the answer. But a Wrong geometrical shape can ruin the whole calculation and may lead to the wrong answer. It’ll be a total waste of time and our efforts. Similarly, People are going to come in our lives and Influence our decisions and lives. It’s again up to us to choose the right person (Shape) in our lives.

Before taking a shape a dot has to move, and so do we, though moving is not always comfortable, that too if you don’t know the future events which will take place in times to come. But it’s the same God who gives his assurance saying:

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said "Never will i leave you; never will forsake you." So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper, i will not be afraid. What can man do to me?  . Heb 13:5-6

We can find numerous people around us with testimonies testifying the word of God in there lives. Lives taking shape form no were.

About me, I was an average student who always tried to get the passing marks first and then some extra marks. As growing up I always desired visiting different counties to know there culture, there language, there food, always wanted to talk to them, sharing experience and visiting the beautiful locations. It was just a desire a dream which come true when I got the chance to study in Thailand. At times I still find very hard to believe that it’s been almost 4 years now that I’m outside my home country, and working. This is what I never dreamt of … it was just a thought and I keep it in my prayers. Moving to Bangkok has brought a great transformation in my spiritual life. A Sunday going Christian to a believer. It’s just a glimpse of in my past. But want to say, it’s not by chance not but coincidence… I believe, it was pre-destined for me to see and take these twists & turns to be a believer in Our God.

This story started form a small town Hoshangabad and is still going on in Bangkok and I have a hope in the Lord to move forward too.