Monday, May 31, 2010

Why do I love God…

So, sweet and cute is the question,
“Why do you love God?”
But to answer this question,
Squeezing our heart is even not enough,
B’coz he has given uncountable reasons to love him,
Even without a single reply from our side,
Unconditional is his love, so pure is his love,
Equal for every one and in abundance for all.

Blessings are his response to our prayers,
Which gives a feel, that he was just next to us,
When we were praying for our needs,
He uses numerous ways to talk to us,
Only we are the one, who has to understand,
Keeping our eyes and ears open and a clean heart
His covenant last forever, and He keeps his word,
That he’ll neither leave in our gay days,
Nor forsake us in our hard times.

His shield like hands protect us form the worse,
And passes only the experience, so to take a lesson,
Created us unique in his big and beautiful world,
Other wise we could have been lost without any identity,
He created people, for whom we can get his love,
And blessed us with the people,
Whom we can love, making the best use of his given hearts.

Lord our God is He,
Never will stop nor forget to shower his love on us,
It matter nothing to him,
As how lousy we may feel, may be we even neglect Him from our lives,
He never changes, coz he can’t stop being god.

Human brain can only think,
But my lord is the ruler of the heaven,
Sends his son on earth, as a normal man,
Sacrificed his only son, for our sins so as to give us salvation,
Then also for his son, we yelled, to hang him on cross.

He forgives; he ask the heaven to rejoice,
For the people who repent,
He values them more than righteous ninety-nine,
Who do not repent!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

God’s own personal Diary

Some one who writes a diary knows how special it is. And reading some once else dairy is more interesting... isn't.
Some once dairy reveals an individual himself. What if, if it’s God himself reveals himself to his creation,
Letting us to know who he is, what he has done and what he is going to do. Isn’t it amazing to know about some one, specially when he is the creator himself? How he created us from nothing, how he dealt with our human sinful nature and is dealing now and is going to deal. How much he loves, how much he cares what he did and is going to do… just for us. It also tells about how he feels, thinks and his nature …
A father who is the holiest
A father who is righteous
A loving and caring Father
A forgiving Father,
A father who can change the rules just to get us back… coming as Jesus,
A father who some times gets angry on our wrong doings,
A father who is very demanding … just to see us happy,
A father who knows each and every one of us by our name,
A sacrificial father … by shedding his own son’s blood,
A father who created laws … so that we may abide it,
A father who was sorry… because he created us,
A father who calls a normal human being … as his friend,
A father who tests the person … who believes in him,
A father who has given his own attributes to us or in other words as he created us in his own image… though we have lost it because of our own selfish sinful desires.
A father who is ready to listen to us … just waiting for us to speak.
A father who fights for his people,
A father who just asks simple things … love him and people around us,
A father who is full of surprises …
A father who is vagarious …
A father who know the best and grants the best for his creation,
A father who know the right timing of everything,
A father who talk to his creation … not just though voice but through signs,
A father who warns, corrects and rebukes,
A father who wants his creation to be like him,
A father whose nature is to bless …
A father who is very jealous … because he wants us,
A father who loves unconditionally,
A father who keeps his words,

Words will fall short, No single hand has the ability to write completely, who God is.
These above mentioned are not even a percent of who or what God is … his grace and mercy on us are like counting sand on the earth, like counting the rain drop, like counting the stars in the sky, like emotions which can not be measured.

 A normal dairy usually just tells about the past or the present situation and future for which they too are not sure of and of some special people around him. What if, if we all are special. In Gods personal diary we all are special, He wrote about us one by one. Now if we want to know that he wrote about us we have to read His dairy. God is very different type of writer, very artistic, creative, tells about many things in riddles … His dairy is like solving puzzles. Very interesting, it makes you exited and curious… what’s going to happen next…hehehe. I have felt like this. There were times when I felt its talking to me; some times I find He is talking about me; sometimes I felt is it me in his dairy.

Title: God’s own personal Diary

My Abba, my father who is in heaven has revealed himself to us,
In his own personal dairy called The Bible,
Come let’s know him, let’s read about Him, let’s talk about Him,
Because he has given us this gift that we may follow his legacy.

 He was by himself when he started his dairy telling about Himself,
But soon he created atmosphere for his upcoming creation,
Adam was the first man one of its kind, accompanied by a beautiful female help called Eve,
Story starts moving, but this too has a villain,
Nothing can be done, when you sin against God,
This is what they thought when they were sent out of the God's garden,
But later He revealed his Redemption plans.

Furious He got, when he thought of putting an end of His own creation,
But dropped half the plan,
As he chose Noah, a man of righteousness, to bring the new offspring’s,
Believing in almighty, he build an ark in a land where there was draught,
God prospered Noah’s family and the animals which were left after the of devastating flood,
Later came Abraham, whom God called his friend, a man faithful and obedient,
A man who walked with Him, and could have sacrificed his only son as a burnt offering to God.

A prophet, God rose from the among His people, to lead them in a journey to The Promised Land,
No one is spared when they go against God, even Moses whom God spoke face to face,
Even though God was ever faithful, see what they have done?
Lack of faith, lack of trust on Him, has enchanted them to worship man-made gods,
And what God did to them, is that He turned his face form them,
But look when they realized, something is wrong, they cried to Him,
Though they abandoned Him form there lives, He could forsaken them.

David a shepherd, stood in the name of the Lord and defeated a giant with a single sling shoot,
Wrote unfading lines in the glory of the Lord, which makes the hearts of the people sing, even until now,
After that, God made it happened what first he declared through his prophet Isaiah,
That a redeemer will come to redeem his people form their sins,
Birth of Jesus has changed the whole history into two parts… B.C & A.D,
King has to be treated as a king, but see what we have done by nailing him on the cross,
God himself came to us, died for us, took our sins and shame which was on us.

Even though we may have repented, still Jesus showed the wounds which he took on the cross,
Each nail, every whip on the body of Jesus, claims that we have sinned and taken his life,
No one can ever comprehend, the amount of pain Jesus suffered,
Creation was shaken at this devastation, caused by human hearts,
The Earth shivered, sun went down before time,
Veil of temple rent into two, when Our Lord bend His thorn crowned head,
Oh… what we have done to the son of God!!

God’s dairy tells us of what he is, tells us how much Father can love His children,
God who wants to be with us, as a Father as a son and in the form of Holy Spirit,
God exhibits how to forgive, even to the those who have rejected his son,
God is the beginning and the end, in which he says he won’t leave us,
God wants us to speak, have relationship with him and hear what he asks,
God is the only one, who knows the right time for every thing,
God knows that, a fall is not an end but it’s a stage to repent.

God realized today’s trend, the time he wrote the beginning,
That’s why God has declared long ago, that his son will come again in a sequel.